♻️Open letter on SARS-COV-2 mitigation strategies
關於 SARS-COV-2 緩解策略的公開信 January 14, 2021
考量空氣傳播,可採用的一些防範感染措施。包括戴兩層口罩 + 醫用口罩 (藥局銷售那種) 或加口罩防護墊內可達近似N95 效果
Especially when indoors, masking must be universal and diligently enforced. Masks must cover the nose and the mouth and fit snugly around one’s face; they should be either N95 (or KN95) masks, 3-layer surgical masks,or 2-layer cotton-pleated style masks with a filter insert; if other fabrics are used they should be doubled up around the nose/mouth/face; strongly consider using nose clips to enhance the masks. Strongly suggest a doubled surgical + cloth mask which has been found to offer considerable protection just short of less-widely available N95 masks.
尤其是在室內時,必須普遍佩戴口罩並格執行。口罩必須蓋住鼻子和嘴巴,並緊貼臉部;它們應該是N95(或KN95)罩、可使用外科口罩2層或帶過濾的棉式口罩;如果使用其他織物,它們應該在鼻子/嘴巴/臉部周圍折疊起來;強烈考慮使用鼻夾來增強面具。強烈建議使用雙層外科口罩或加布口罩,這種方式已被發現提供更好的保護, 可達近似N95 效果。
⚠️Science Brief: Community Use of Cloth Masks to Control the Spread of SARS-CoV-2
數據來自2021年5月7日美國CDC更新以來發表的研究,進一步證明口罩可以減少新感染·添加的數據證明多了戴布口罩對於提高性能和減少社區接觸SARS-CoV-2的重要性, https://bit.ly/3qkKCzY
•Take advantage of any opportunity to draw in fresh outdoor air (opening windows) or move activities outdoors including restaurant service and teaching; if excessive cold is an issue encourage (or provide) outdoor winter clothing and outdoor heaters; do not create “igloos” outside — they function as indoor spaces because they simulate the problems with indoor spaces
•Deploy portable HEPA air cleaners calibrated to achieve a minimum of at least 4 and ideally up to 6 Air-Changes-Per Hour in every enclosed space including classrooms and bathrooms; this requires that each air cleaner have the appropriate Clean-Air-Delivery-Rate,
✔️在每個封閉空間(包括教室和浴室)中部署經過校準的便式HEPA 空氣淨化器,每小時至少換氣4次,最好最多6次這要求每個空氣淨化器都有適當的清潔空氣輸送率,
資料來源: https://covidactiongroup.net/open-letter-on-existing-sars-cov-2-mitigation-strategies